We offer unforgettable walks in Vladivostok

Excursions of Vladivostok

Vladivostok - city by the ocean

date of 07.12.2024, 09.12.2024, 11.12.2024, ...
collection time 10:00
gathering place Your hotel
hours duration 3
group of people от 6 до 40
cost 2000 ₽

Vladivostok is a very beautiful city. During this tour you will learn about the history of Vladivostok and Russian culture, you will visit the most interesting and beautiful places in the city. Travel route: Tokarev Lighthouse - Lenin Square - Railway Station – Marine terminal - 9288 Monument - Central Square - Pacific Fleet Open Air Museum: Pacific Fleet Command, Korabelinaya Embankment, Vladivostok Triumphal Arch, С-56 Submarine Museum, Friendship Boulevard, and The Monument of Founder of Vladivostok – Eagle’s Nest Hill(The highest point in downtown Vladivostok) Attention! If you want to organize other days, time tours and suburban trips we can do it according to your requirements! Our extensive experience is the greatest safety guarantee in your travels.

Evening Vladivostok

date of 08.12.2024, 10.12.2024, 12.12.2024, ...
collection time 19:00
gathering place Azimut hotel
hours duration 2
group of people от 6 до 40
cost 1500 ₽

Lyrical and meditative excursion introduces you unique beauty of evening Vladivostok – the city situated on hills and surrounded by Japan Sea. From the bird’s eye view of Eagle’s Nest Hill Vladivostok is especially amazing and attractive. From than place you can see: Golden Horn bay, the city is situated around the bay, it looks like it lies on terraces; Golden and Russian bridges; Mariinsky theatre of opera and ballet; trade port, fish port, and military port. Lights of dock’s walls, cranes, ship’s lights and Vladivostok house’s lights charm spectator with his romantic mood.

Safari Park and Art Park "Shtykovskie Prudy"

date of 08.12.2024, 11.12.2024, 15.12.2024, ...
collection time 09:00
gathering place Central Square
hours duration 8
group of people От 6
cost 2200 ₽

Spend your family weekend in "Safari-park" where you can experience the unique wildlife of Primorsky. Here you may safely see exciting animals such as dapped deer, red wolf, bears and learn more about their lifestyle. Many of our animals are tame and may be hand fed and pet. While in our park, you can also see Tigers! Being this close to nature is an excellent way to recharge, unwind and make unforgettable memories with your family!

Exursion of Russky Island

date of 07.12.2024, 10.12.2024, 14.12.2024, ...
collection time 10:00
gathering place Central Square
hours duration 4
group of people 2-10
cost 2700 ₽

During this excursion, you get acquainted with history, geographic position and natural features of Russky Island. On this trip, you will learn the history of Vladivostok fortress and it's role in the defense of Vladivostok. You will also be able to experience FEFU campus, a local aquarium, and APEC summit's facilities. There are also many observation decks and views throughout the Island where you may experience a panoramic view of the land and sea of Russky Island. Russky Island (previously known as Kazakevich Island) is an Island in the Gulf of Peter the Great in the Sea of Japan. It is located less than one kilometer south from Vladivostok and is part of the Vladivostok urban district municipality. Russky Island is also a part of Eugenie Archipelago.

Journey to Tobizina Cape

date of 2024-10-24
collection time 10:00
gathering place Central Square
hours duration 5
group of people от 10
cost 2000 ₽

The time that you spend on this journey won’t be spending in vain. Today Mys Tobizina has already stopped scaring people with its rough and impassable route. Even families with children go there to see such a magical place! Every tourist feels a responsibility to go there. If you've come to Vladivostok and haven’t a lot of time to go somewhere else in Primorye you must go to Tobizina cape, because it’s a chance to see the unique, beautiful and wild nature of our region. Spend one day, spend your energy and visit this beautiful place! Sheer cliffs, boundless dark blue sea, and amazing sea views! Tobizina Cape is a very attractive place in winter as well as in summer. If you want to see this place at its best and haven’t a lot of time you’ll definitely need a guide!

Step by step through the "Millionka"

date of 08.12.2024, 11.12.2024, 15.12.2024, ...
collection time 11:00
gathering place Opposite the "Okean" cinema
hours duration 1:30
group of people 10
cost 800 ₽

Each city has its own history and each city had places where "rich and poor and criminal personalities" lived. So in Vladivostok there was such a place-a spontaneously created "Chinatown" that existed for several decades and was popularly called "Millionka". We will show and reveal to you interesting stories and events that reigned in this criminal and evil quarter of Vladivostok - "Millionka".

Парк "Белый лев" + горячий бассейн в г. Уссурийске

date of 07.12.2024, 14.12.2024, 21.12.2024, ...
collection time 09:00
gathering place From ost. Lugovaya in the course of the bus movement
hours duration 9
group of people 10-20
cost 3800 ₽

Парк "Белый лев" находится на Тимофеевских полях, имеет очень большую площадь, которая разделена на несколько частей. Каждая построена по индивидуальному проекту, учитывая особенности разных животных, с созданием комфортных условий жизни, приближенных к их естественной среде обитания. А именно: приют медведей, парк львов, яки, верблюды, волки, рыси. В скором времени будут привезены другие виды животных, которые будут удивлять Вас своей красотой и грацией. Далее мы посетим бассейн под открытым небом в г. Уссурийске.

Масленица в Алексей-Никольском

date of 2025-01-05
collection time 08:30
gathering place По основным автобусным остановкам
hours duration 10
group of people от 15
cost 3500 ₽

“Владбюро” приглашает в гастрономический тур “Масленица в Алексей-Никольском”. Пришло время позволить волшебству и сказкам потешить душеньку, да порадовать глазоньки! Поэтому 26 февраля отправляемся праздновать Масленицу в село Алексей-Никольское! Программа: 8:30-12:00 – с познавательными историями и веселыми сказками доставка автобусом из Владивостока в с. Алексей-Никольское Уссурийского района; 12:00-16:00 – Встреча! Емеля встретит Вас с блинами, чаем на травах, с согревающими напитками, да с домашним копчёным сальцем. Для детей горячий чай на травах со сладостями! Станете участниками в театрализованном представлении проводах Зимы и встрече Весны! Масленичный каламбур: Стенка на стенку; Комический чуженбол; Весенние хороводы; Емелина рыбалка. Конкурс: “Частушки-веселушки” на лучшее исполнение. Призы от эко-подворья “Селяночка”! Проведем старинные русские обряды и традиции: Масленичное шествие по селу; Сожжение чучела Зимы; Масленичный столб; Обед у Бабы Яги (готовится на костре): шурпа с мясом, картофель пюре + домашняя котлета, бочковые огурчики, аджика сбитень; Горящее колесо. Работает “Базарчик казачок”: все, чем угощались, можно будет купить + грибы, расписные масленичные пряники. Новинка сезона: шоу “Масленичные поросячьи бега”. Такой забавы вы точно не увидите ни на одной Масленице в крае! 16:00 – 19:00 – возвращение во Владивосток. В стоимость включено: экскурсовод, автобус, праздничная программа, угощения, обед. Дополнительная информация: в автобус можно сесть по пути следования на заранее оговоренных остановках. Форма одежды на маршруте – спортивная, удобная. Одевайтесь теплее, так как праздник уличный. Активный и увлекательный отдых!